†* Letzte Aktualisierung: 6.11.04.
†1 Here the Vivès edition incorrectly reads ȜScotus.ȝ
†2 The Vivès edition omits Ȝreiȝ.
†3 Here I am following the reading of Rábade Romeo, et al ., rather than that of the Vivès edition, which is Ȝagit.ȝ
†4 The Vivès edition reads ȜPosterioriȝ.
†5 Here I prefer the reading of Rábade et al. over the Ȝinduciturȝ of the Vivès edition.
†6 Vivès reads: Ȝdiscuntur.ȝ
†7 Here I am following Rábade, et al. to introduce Ȝesseȝ which is lacking in the Vivès edition.
†8 Here I am following the reading of Rabáde, et al., in place of the Vivès' Ȝquid.ȝ