《諸侯 \ Filial Piety in the Princes of States》

1 在上不驕,高而不危;制節謹度,滿而不溢。高而不危,所以長守貴也。滿而不溢,所以長守富也。富貴不離其身,然後能保其社稷,而和其民人。蓋諸侯之孝也。《詩》云:「戰戰兢兢,如臨深淵,如履薄冰。」

"Above others, and yet free from pride, they dwell on high, without peril. Adhering to economy and carefully observant of the rules and laws, they are full, without overflowing. To dwell on high without peril is the way long to preserve nobility; to be full without overflowing is the way long to preserve riches. When their riches and nobility do not leave their persons, then they are able to preserve the altars of their land and grain, and to secure the harmony of their people and men in office. This is the filial piety of the princes of states.

It is said in the Book of Poetry: Be apprehensive, be cautious, As if on the brink of a deep abyss, As if treading on thin ice."