72 occurrences of therefore etc in this volume.
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Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 1. Distinctions 1 and 2.


Book One.
First Distinction
First Part
On the Object of Enjoyment

Question 1: Whether the object of enjoyment per se is the ultimate end Num. 1 
   I. To the Question  Num. 7 
   II. To the Principal Arguments  Num. 18 
Question 2: Whether the ultimate end has only the one idea of Enjoyability  Num. 23 
   I. To the Question  Num. 30 
      A. On the Enjoyment of the Wayfarer as to its Possibility  Num. 31 
      B. On the Enjoyment of the Comprehender when Speaking of the Absolute Power of God  Num. 34 
      C. On the Enjoyment of the Comprehender when Speaking of the Power of the Creature  Num. 51 
      D. On the Enjoyment of the Comprehender and of the Wayfarer when Speaking of the Fact of it  Num. 54 
   II. To the Arguments 
      A. To the Principal Arguments  Num. 56 
      B. To the Reasons for the Opposite  Num. 59 

Second Part
On Enjoying in Itself

Question 1: Whether enjoying is an act elicited by the will or a passion received in the will  Num. 62 
   I. To the Question  Num. 65 
   II. To the Principal Arguments  Num. 74 
Question 2: Whether when the end has been apprehended by the intellect the will must necessarily enjoy it  Num. 77 
   I. To the Question  Num. 82 
      A. The Opinion of Others  Num. 83 
      B. Attack on the Opinion of Others Num. 91 
      C. Scotus’ own Opinion Num. 143 
      D. To the Arguments for the Opinion of Others Num.147 
   II. To the Principal Arguments Num. 156 

Third Part
On the Enjoyer

Question 1: Whether enjoying belongs to God Num. 159 
Question 2: Whether the wayfarer enjoys Num. 161 
Question 3: Whether the sinner enjoys Num. 163 
Question 4: Whether the brutes enjoy Num. 166 
Question 5: Whether all things enjoy Num. 168 
      I. To all the Questions Together Num. 170 
      II. To the Principal Arguments Num. 182 

Second Distinction
First Part
On the Existence of God and his Unity

Question 1: Whether among beings there is something existing actually infinite Num. 1 
Question 2: Whether something infinite is known self-evidently Num. 10 
   I. To the Second Question Num. 15 
   II. To the Principal Arguments of the Second Question Num. 34 
   III. To the First Question Num. 39 
      A. The Existence of the Relative Properties of an Infinite Being is Made Clear Num. 41 
      B. The Existence of an Infinite Being is Made Clear Num. 74 
         1. Conclusions preliminary to infinity are proposed and demonstrated Num. 75 
         2. The infinity of God is proved directly Num. 111 
   IV. To the Principal Arguments of the First Question Num. 148 
Question 3: Whether there is only one God Num. 157 
   I. To the Question Num. 163 
   II. To the Arguments Num. 182 
      A. To the Arguments for the Other Opinion  Num. 182 
      B. To the Principal Arguments  Num. 184 

Second Part
On the Persons and Productions in God

Question 1: Whether there can be along with the unity of the divine essence a plurality of persons  Num. 191 
Question 2: Whether there are only three persons in the divine essence  Num. 197 
Question 3: Whether the being of being produced can stand in something along with the divine essence  Num. 201 
Question 4: Whether in the divine essence there are only two intrinsic productions  Num. 212 
   I. To the Third Question  Num. 220 
      A. Scotus’ own Proofs  Num. 221 
      B. Proofs of Others Num. 248 
   II. To the Principal Arguments of the Third Question Num. 258 
   III. To the Fourth Question Num. 270 
      A. The Opinion of Henry of Ghent is Expounded Num. 271 
      B. The Opinion of Henry of Ghent is Rejected Num. 282 
      C. Scotus’ Own Opinion Num. 300 
      D. Instances against the Solution Num. 304 
   IV. To the Principal Arguments of the Fourth Question Num. 327 
   V. To the Second Question Num. 353 
      A. About the Produced Persons in Divine Reality Num. 354 
      B. About the Sole Non-produced Person in Divine Reality Num. 359 
   VI. To the Principal Arguments of the Second Question Num. 371 
   VII. To the First Question Num. 376 
      A. Declaration of Scotus’ Own Solution Num. 377 
      B. On the Formal Distinction or Non-Identity Num. 388 
   VII. To the Principal Arguments of the First Question Num. 411