72 occurrences of therefore etc in this volume.
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Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 1. Distinctions 1 and 2.
Book One: First and Second Distinctions
First Distinction. Third Part. On the Enjoyer
Question 4. Whether the brutes enjoy

Question 4. Whether the brutes enjoy

166. Fourth the question is asked whether the brutes enjoy.

And it seems that they do, from Augustine, where as before, 83 Diverse Questions q.30, he says that: “to enjoy any corporal pleasure the beasts too are not absurdly judged to do.”

167. On the contrary:

“To enjoy is to adhere by love to something for its own sake” [nn.70, 162]; but the brutes do not have love, because neither do they have will nor do they adhere to anything for its own sake but for their own good; therefore they do not enjoy.