past masters commons

Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 4. Distinctions 1 - 7
Book Four. Distinctions 1 - 7
First Distinction. Second Part. On the Proper Idea of a Sacrament and on its Institution
Question Two. Whether for the Period of any Law Given by God Some Sacrament Needed to Have Been Instituted
I. To the Question
D. Whether Different Sacraments Needed to be Instituted
1. How Sacraments can be Distinguished

1. How Sacraments can be Distinguished

252. On the first point, note that a sacrament is distinguished in one way as a term is into its significations, namely into sacrament properly said and sacrament improperly said. It is distinguished in another way as a higher class is into its lower kinds, and this in three ways. For since it is a sensible thing signifying something, it can be different sacraments because it can be different sensible things. Or it can be a different sacrament having a different signification, and that in two ways - either a simply different signification with respect to different signified things, or a signification different in a certain respect as regard a thing that varies as to more and less.