past masters commons

Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 4. Distinctions 1 - 7
Book Four. Distinctions 1 - 7
Seventh Distinction
Question Three. Whether the Sacrament of Confirmation could be Repeated

Question Three. Whether the Sacrament of Confirmation could be Repeated

61. Third the question is asked whether this sacrament could be repeated.

62. It seems that it could:

Because the sickness that it is against is repeated; because someone can after confirmation again become cowardly; therefore the remedy against this sickness can be repeated.

63. To the contrary:

The master in the text [Lombard Sent. IV d.7 ch.5 nn.1-2].

64. Gratian, Decretum p.3 d.5 ch.8.

I. To the Question

65. I reply: this sacrament should not be so repeated that it is done knowingly, because he who repeats it knowingly sins mortally; but neither can it be so repeated that it have, when iterated, its proper efficacy.

66. The principal reason is divine institution.

67. There is a congruity, because someone is by this sacrament instituted in a determinate rank in the Church, namely in the rank of a warrior; and a sacrament that puts one in a determinate rank is not repeated.

68. And next to this is adduced another congruence, that it impresses an indelible effect, namely a character.

II. To the Initial Argument

69. To the argument [n.62]: the sickness as what this cure is against is not repeated, though it could be repeated in another way.