past masters commons

Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 4. Distinctions 1 - 7
Book Four. Distinctions 1 - 7
Sixth Distinction. Fourth Part. Article Two. About the Character because of which Baptism is Posited as Unrepeatable
Question Three. Whether Character is in the Essence of the Soul or in Some Power of It
I. To the Question
A. Opinion of Thomas Aquinas
1. Exposition of the Opinion

1. Exposition of the Opinion

362. There is here an opinion [Aquinas, Sent. IV d.4 q.1 a.361] that just as grace is in the essence of the soul, so a power for grace is in the power of the soul; but character is a power or disposition proximate to grace; therefore, it is in the power of the soul as in its proximate subject. But it is not in every power of the soul, because then it would not be a single form; therefore, it is in a single power, and it is more reasonable to posit that it is in the intellect.

363. The reason for this is that character is for configuring the created trinity to the Uncreated Trinity; but the created trinity, or the ‘image’, consists principally in the intellect, because from it, as from the root, arises the will.