past masters commons

Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 4. Distinctions 1 - 7
Book Four. Distinctions 1 - 7
Sixth Distinction. Fourth Part. Article Two. About the Character because of which Baptism is Posited as Unrepeatable
Question Two. Whether the Character is Some Absolute Form
I. To the Question
E. Doubt as to Scotus’ own Opinion
1. Consideration of the Diverse Opinions or Solutions
c. About another Peculiar Possible Solution

c. About another Peculiar Possible Solution

343. In another way it is said [opinion reported and rejected by Bonaventure and Aquinas] that it is in the fourth species of quality, because it is a certain spiritual figure.

344. But this is nothing, because nothing is placed in a genus through metaphorical properties, otherwise Christ would truly be in the genus of inanimate substance (for he is metaphorically called ‘rock’ [I Corinthians 10.4]), and in the genus of irrational animal (because he is said metaphorically to be a ‘lion’ [Revelation 5.5]), and in the genus of quality (because he is said to be ‘light’, “I am the light of the world,” [John 8.12]). But from metaphors is to be collected the proper condition of a thing in itself, and according to this condition must it be placed in genus and species; for in this way could ‘intelligible species’ be put in the fourth species of quality, because it configures the soul to the very subject [sc. of thought].