past masters commons

Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 4. Distinctions 1 - 7
Book Four. Distinctions 1 - 7
Sixth Distinction. Fourth Part. Article Two. About the Character because of which Baptism is Posited as Unrepeatable
Question One. Whether a Character is Impressed in Baptism
I. To the Question
B. About the Impressing on the Soul of Character thus Understood
1. First Opinion: Neither by Natural Reason nor from Things Believed can it be Proved that a Character is Present in the Soul
e. Fifth Reason

e. Fifth Reason

233. Finally argument is made thus from the mode of being that is posited for character, because it is posited as indelible [n.201] - and this as follows: no form is present in the soul which God cannot destroy, because it is a lesser thing to destroy than to create, or at any rate there is no contradiction involved in saying that ‘a form created in the soul is destroyed from the soul’; therefore, if character is indelible, no such form is in the soul of the baptized.