past masters commons

Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 4. Distinctions 1 - 7
Book Four. Distinctions 1 - 7
Sixth Distinction. Fourth Part. Article Two. About the Character because of which Baptism is Posited as Unrepeatable
Question One. Whether a Character is Impressed in Baptism
I. To the Question
B. About the Impressing on the Soul of Character thus Understood
1. First Opinion: Neither by Natural Reason nor from Things Believed can it be Proved that a Character is Present in the Soul
d. Fourth Reason

d. Fourth Reason

232. Again, every gift of God given to man either makes him graced or is freely given - understanding the ‘making him graced’ in this way: either actually or dispositively. Or more briefly it can be said that God gives no gift to anyone save either for that person’s good or for the Church’s good. This gift [sc. character] is not a gift freely given or a gift for the Church’s good (of which sort is the gift of tongues or other gifts the Apostle speaks of in II Corinthians 9.8-14 [also I Corinthians 12.4-11]); because it would be of no value save to him only who has it; it is also plain that no effect follows that is useful to the Church. But neither is it a gift that makes to be graced, because by this gift a person is not constituted in any degree of acceptation in respect of God. Nor too is such a gift conferred without grace and charity, because God heals perfectly.