II. To the Initial Arguments

151. As to the first argument [n.136], I concede that some act is required for the effect to be, and that that act can be said to be what the external effect is produced by.

152. But if you are looking for some act according to which the operation is that is immanent to the agent, there is no need to grant that there is such an act then remaining when the exterior act is elicited - just as it is manifest that many effects are caused when actual motion of a cause acting through intellect (by which those effects are produced) does not remain.

153. And an example can be posited in natural things, because when a pebble is thrown into water, the first ring is cause of the second ring, and so on; but the first does not always remain as long as the second does, nor the second as long as the third does; so too universally in the motion of things that are thrown, the first part, and the one locally closer to the mover, is moved before a remote part is.