c. Response to the First Objection

115. To the first [n.113] I say that it is one thing to speak of a second cause and another of an instrument properly speaking.

116. For a second cause has in its being at rest a proper form that is for it the reason for acting in its own order, and this in respect of the same effect in respect of which the first cause acts in its order, so that universally a second cause properly taken attains the effect of the principal cause through its own proper form, though in virtue of the prior cause, because it is subordinated to that cause [supra d.1 nn.167-171].

117. But an instrument, if it be properly posited as active, either does not attain the effect of the principal agent but only some disposition previous to it - and in this way the quality that does the altering is called instrument of the substance for generating substance; but this is not because in its action of altering it is instrument; rather is it a perfect principle of alteration insofar as it could alter substance per se if it existed per se; but for this reason alone is it called an instrument with respect to substance, because it is an agent for a certain form that is disposition for substance; hence it would more properly be said to be a disposing agent in contrast to a perfecting agent than something instrumental in contrast to what is principal.

118. Or if the instrument be posited to be active and yet one that attains the term of the principal agent, nevertheless it is in this distinguished from a second cause, namely that it does not in its being at rest have a form that is a principle of acting in its own order, but it only receives form in actual motion and retains it while actually moving.

119. About each of these three, namely a second cause properly stated [n.116], and an instrumental cause that is dispositive [n.117], and an instrumental cause that is active through a form received in actual motion [n.118], it is false that it does not have a proper intention in the way that a natural agent has a natural intention; because each of these three has a proper form which is for it a principle of acting in its own order, and consequently it has a proper intention, because an intention is consequent to a natural active form in this way.

120. In a fourth way a properly active instrument could be posited, just as it is posited in respect of the whole (when being a principle of operation belongs first to a part and only to the whole through the part). And in this way does the Philosopher call ‘organs’ the parts in accordance with which operation belongs to the whole [cf. d.1 n.317].

121. And this instrument in a way has a proper intention, and in a way does not. For the active form of it is also form of the whole, but it is form of the instrument first; it is form of the whole through the part and not first. For the active form of the whole is form of the whole, but it is form of the whole per se and first and form of the part per se and not first.

122. And in the same way about intention. For there is not here the order of virtue to virtue in its being at rest (as in the first member [n.116]), nor the order of effect to effect (as in the second member [n.117]), nor the order of virtue in its coming to be to virtue in its being at rest (as in the third member [n.118]); rather it is the same virtue, but participated diversely in whole and in part. And about this [fourth] member it could be conceded that the instrument does not have an intention different from the principal agent. Yet neither does the part properly have an action different from what the whole agent has through the part, but it has it in a different way, though it has the same action.

123. An example of the first: the sun and a father with respect to the generation of a son. An example of the second: fire and the heat of it that makes disposition for the generation of another fire. An example of the third: illuminated color and the species of color in the air in respect of altering the eye toward the species or the seeing of color. An example of the fourth: the organ of the nutritive power and the whole animal in respect of the act of nutrition.

124. Beside these four, the name ‘instrument’ is more commonly wont to be said of certain other things, as of the instruments of artisans, from which the name of instrument is first drawn, as of an axe and a saw and the like, examples of which are frequently set down [supra d.1 nn.18, 48, 318, 320, 328; Aquinas Sent. IV d.1 q.1 a.4, q.2 ad 2, ST IIIa q.62 a.1; also Richard of Middleton Sent. IV d.1 princ. 4 q.3]. But these, as was said above [nn.117-118], are not properly active with regard to the effect, not even the principal effect, if the agent reaches the principal effect through such instruments (as a coin minter reaches the figure to be stamped on the coin, which is his principal term, through some instrument). Nor are they properly active with regard to the disposing form, as if the agent act through such instruments for a preliminary disposition (as he acts with an axe for the cutting of wood preliminary to the form of a chest).

125. But yet an instrument in this way, different from the aforesaid four ways, is a motion, susceptive of a prior effect ordered to a later effect, such that what is received in it has an order to the principal term, just like a nearer effect of a cause to a remoter effect; but it does not have any order of causality properly stated.

126. And about such an instrument [nn.124-125] it could be conceded that an instrument does not have a proper action with respect to the effect, because neither does it have any proper active virtue (neither in its being at rest nor in its coming to be); and therefore it is simply not active, nor consequently does it have intention the way intention belongs to an agent.

127. It is plain, then, how the major premise [of the objection, n.113: “an instrument should not have a proper action”] must be understood of an instrument, because it should be understood in the fifth way [nn.124-125], namely that it is not active but receptive of a prior effect, or in the fourth way, about a part in respect of a whole operating through the part.

128. And the minor [n.113, “the minister is an instrument of God”] is false. This is plain as to the way of whole and part [the fourth way, n.120]. But neither is it true of an instrument in the fifth way stated [nn.124-125]. Rather the minister is a second cause with respect to washing, not however as it is washing but as it is sacramental; and therefore, since the minister is an agent and not a natural one, he has a proper intention, the intention that pertains to a knowing agent.

129. But in respect of the principal effect of baptism, namely grace, the minister can be called an instrument with respect to God, in the way in which a dispositive agent is called an instrument of the perfecting agent (in the second way [n.117]). And such an agent does not have a proper intention in respect of the term of the principal agent, but in respect of his own proper term. And so I concede that the baptizer does not need to have an intention in respect of the ultimate effect of baptism, but he does in respect of baptism.