past masters commons

Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 4. Distinctions 1 - 7
Book Four. Distinctions 1 - 7
Sixth Distinction. Third Part. About the Intention of the Minister
Question One. Whether in the Minister who Baptizes there is Required the Due Intention to Baptize
I. To the Question
B. Scotus’ own Opinion
2. About Intention as Regard the End
b. Objections

b. Objections

113. An objection is raised against this as follows:

An instrument should not have a proper action because in a proper action it would not be an instrument but the principal agent; and much more should an instrument not have an intention with respect to an end, but it is enough that it be directed by the principal agent, which does intend the end; now the minister is an instrument of God; therefore etc.

114. Again, for a sacrament nothing is per se required save as it is a part or the thing of the sacrament; intention is not a part of the sacrament nor anything of it, because it is not anything sensible; nor is it the thing of the sacrament, because the thing of the sacrament is in him who receives the sacrament.