past masters commons

Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 4. Distinctions 1 - 7
Book Four. Distinctions 1 - 7
Second Distinction. Second Part. About the Unity of Baptism
Question One. Whether the Unity of Baptism Necessarily Requires that it be Conferred by one Minister
I. To the Question
B. About Baptism Administered by Two Ministers who do Something Separately

B. About Baptism Administered by Two Ministers who do Something Separately

43. About the second member of the distinction [n.30], I say that when each does something separately, and neither does the whole in thus washing and speaking at the same time, nothing is done.

44. Nor is there a reason save the institution of God who, as he wished there to be one principal agent, so he wished to have one minister in the integral conferring of the sacrament.

45. This is also plain by taking up the form that we use for, from our words, he who speaks them signifies that he is washing; and his speaking, which is the form of our sacraments, should not be false. The like must also be understood of the words of the Greeks, who say ‘let him be baptized etc.’, because this is not merely an invocation but as it were a certain efficacious willing, so that the sense is, ‘Through this my act over him, let him be baptized’.