2. Second Way: about Refusal to Receive Baptism from Such a Minister

42. Another way is that one is bound not to receive from him, and that by receiving one sins mortally.

43. And the clarification of this is that the one needing to be baptized is either an adult or a child.

If an adult, the baptism of desire is sufficient for him when he cannot have the baptism of water; in the matter at hand, he does not have a minister because he is prohibited from communicating with one who is in schism, and especially in sacramental acts; therefore, he will be saved by baptism of desire in not receiving baptism from him, because he is in a situation where he cannot have a minister; and if he were to receive baptism from him he would be communicating with him contrary to the prohibition of the Church in acts that have been prohibited most of all.

44. But if the one to be baptized is a child, he who has the child may baptize him if he cannot get another more suitable who is not in schism [Gratian, Decretum p.2 cause 30 ch.7]; because, as before [n.43], it is not licit for him on behalf of the child to communicate with someone in schism. And if it be posited that he who has the child is infirm and does not have anyone in the region who is not in schism, one should consequently say that in no way must there be communication in such an act with someone in schism, because not even in that case should he offer his child for being baptized to someone in schism.