past masters commons

Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 4. Distinctions 1 - 7
Book Four. Distinctions 1 - 7
Fourth Distinction. Second Part. About Reception of the Sacrament and not the Thing in Adults Receiving Baptism
Question Two. Whether an Adult who is Feigning Receives the Effect of Baptism
I. To the Question
A. About him who Feigns on the Outside to be Willing, is Unwilling on the Inside

A. About him who Feigns on the Outside to be Willing, is Unwilling on the Inside

93. In one way because he shows himself to be willing to receive the [baptismal] washing in the way the Church intends to confer it, and yet he has the opposite in his mind.

94. And this person does not receive the sacrament (as is plain from the preceding question [nn.70]), because he is simply unwilling with respect to sacramental washing though he is willing with respect to washing; and if such a person were later to give up the pretense, he would need to be baptized. Yet the Church would judge him to be consenting to sacramental washing and would compel him to observance of the Christian faith, because the Church assumes the better side when signs are more indicative of it (as the Church presumes about someone who feigns to know her to whom he is pledged that, after marriage, he does know her with marital affection; and therefore the Church compels him to true matrimonial consent with her).