Question One. Whether Children are to be Baptized

12. To the first [n.11] it is argued that they are not to be baptized:

Because baptism is a remedy for sin; but children do not have sin, for they have use neither of reason nor will, and according to Augustine, On True Religion ch.14 n.27, “sin is so far voluntary that if it not be voluntary it is not sin.”

13. Again Mark 16.16, “He who will not have believed will be condemned.” A child cannot believe; therefore by baptism he cannot be saved; therefore he is baptized in vain.

14. To the contrary:

Augustine [in fact Fulgentius] On the Faith to Peter n.70, “Hold most firmly that children who pass from this age without the sacrament of baptism are to be punished with eternal punishment, because by carnal conception they contracted original sin.”

I. To the Question

15. Here was the error of Pelagius, that children do not have original sin. This and its rejection was touched on in Ord. II dd.30-33 nn.55-66.

16. I hold the opposite therefore, that according to Scripture and faith children contract original sin, and for the deletion of it, which is necessary for salvation, they are to be baptized; because in the time of Gospel Law baptism is instituted as remedy against that guilt [cf. supra d.3 nn.139-145].

II. To the Initial Arguments

17. To the first argument [n.12]: the authority from Augustine must be understood of actual sin; and original sin was voluntary in this way in the first parent; however it is not necessary that every sin be voluntary with the will of him in whom it is.

18. As to the other argument [n.13], it is plain that it must be understood of adults because of what precedes it [Mark 16.16] “He who will have believed and will have been baptized...” Or it can be said that he who will not have believed either in act or habit will be condemned, because according to the Apostle, Hebrews 11.6, “It is impossible to please God without faith; for he who approaches God must believe;” now children, though they cannot have the act of believing, can yet have the habit of it (as will be said in the next question, nn.27, 39).