B. It is Reasonable

139. This supposition also seems reasonable, because the principal sacrament of the New Law (namely, that through which entrance is made for its observance) needed to be new and proper to that Law, as was said before in d.1 nn.254-257.

140. This sacrament needed to be evident too in its signification, because this Law is the Law of truth that removes the shadow [cf. Hebrews 10.1].

141. It needed to be rich too in the conferring of grace, because this Law is the Law of grace, John 1.17, “Grace and truth were brought about through Jesus Christ.”

142. It needed to be easy too, because the yoke of Christ is pleasant and his burden light, Matthew 11.30.

143. It needed also to be common, because God chose for the Mosaic Law one people only, but for the New Law he chose the whole world, according to Psalm 18/19.4, “Their sound has gone out to all the earth.”

144. These five features [nn.139-143] are found in one thing, namely in the washing of baptism and its words, because it clearly signifies the cleansing of the soul, which is the principal effect, and copiously bestows grace. Hence in Psalm 22/23.2 it speaks of the waters of repose, “beside the waters of repose.” The washing of baptism is also easy, because it is in no way dangerous (as circumcision is), and is common to every sex and age.