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Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 4. Distinctions 1 - 7
Book Four. Distinctions 1 - 7
First Distinction. First Part. On the Action of the Creature in Respect of the Term of Creation
Single Question. Whether a Creature can have any Action with respect to the Term of Creation
I. Opinion of the Theologians, who Hold to the Negative Side of the Question
A. The Four Reasons they Bring Forward
1. First Reason, which is from Thomas Aquinas

1. First Reason, which is from Thomas Aquinas

17. The first reason is taken from the side of the term per se of creation, and it is as follows [ST Ia q.45 a.5]: “It is necessary to reduce effects more universal to causes more universal; but the most universal of all effects is being itself; therefore it is the proper effect of the most universal or supreme cause. Hence it is said in On Causes [prop.3 nn.27-28] that neither the intelligence nor the rational soul bestows being save as they operate with divine operation.” From this is further deduced, “Since the production of being absolutely (and not this or that being) pertains to the idea of creation, therefore is creation the proper action of God.”

18. The addition is also made that creation cannot belong instrumentally or ministerially to a creature. The reason is that “an instrumental cause does not participate in the action of the superior cause unless its working for the proper effect of the principal agent is through something proper to itself.” The proof is that “if it did nothing according to anything proper to itself it would be applied in vain to the action. Nor would there need to be determinate instruments for determinate actions, just as we see also that an axe in cutting wood gets from the property of its own form that it produce the form of the bench, which is the effect of the principal agent.” But it cannot be like this in creation, because creation does not rest on anything presupposed that could be made ready by the action of an instrumental agent. For “absolute being, which is an effect proper to God, is presupposed to everything else.”