Division of the Text and Overview of the Questions

1. “After this we must see what baptism is” [Master Lombard Sent. ibid.] Above the Master dealt with a certain preamble to the baptism of Christ [d.2 n.44]. Here he deals with the baptism of Christ.

2. And it is divided into two parts: the preface and the treatise (which begins at “Baptism is called...”).

3. The treatise is divided into a principal part and an incidental part (the latter begins at ch.4).

4. The principal part is divided into three parts: first the Master deals with the parts that belong intrinsically to baptism, second with those who receive baptism (in distinction 4), third with the minister of it (in distinction 5).

5. The first part, which belongs to the present distinction 3, is divided into three: first he deals with the whatness of baptism or with what baptism is; second he deals with the form of it; third with the institution of it; and in this third part he inserts a treatment of the matter of baptism.

6. About this distinction 3 there are four questions that must be asked: first about the definition of baptism, namely whether its proper definition is what the Master posits: “Baptism is a dipping, that is, an exterior cleansing of the body, done under a prescribed form of words;” second about the form of baptism, whether this is the precise form of it: “I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen;” third about the matter of it, whether only pure natural water is the fitting matter of baptism; fourth its institution, whether the institution of baptism voids circumcision.