53 occurrences of therefore etc in this volume.
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Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Prologue.



First Part

On the Necessity of Revealed Doctrine

Single Question: Whether it was necessary for man in this present state that some doctrine be supernaturally inspired.  Num. 1 
   I. Controversy between Philosophers and Theologians  Num. 5 
      A. Opinion of the Philosophers  Num. 5 
      B. Rejection of the Opinion of the Philosophers  Num. 12 
   II. Solution of the Question  Num. 57 
   III. On the Three Principal Reasons against the Philosophers Num. 66 
   IV. To the Arguments of the Philosophers  Num. 72 
   V. To the Principal Arguments  Num. 90 

Second Part

On the Sufficiency of Revealed Doctrine

Single Question: Whether the supernatural knowledge necessary for the wayfarer is sufficiently handed on in Sacred Scripture.  Num. 95 
   I. On the Truth of Sacred Scripture  Num. 99 
   II. Principal Response to the Question  Num. 120 
   III. To the Principal Arguments  Num. 121 

Third Part

On the Object of Theology

Question 1: Whether theology is about God as about its first object.  Num. 124 
Question 2: Whether Theology is about God under some special Idea  Num. 133 
Question 3: Whether Theology is about Everything by Way of Attribution of them to its First Subject  Num. 139 
   I. Preliminary Remarks Num. 141 
   II. On the Necessary Part of Theology 
      A. To the First Question, speaking of Theology in itself. Num. 151 
      B. To the Second Question, speaking of Theology in itself Num. 158 
      C. To the First Question, speaking of Our Theology Num. 168 
   III. On Contingent Theology Num. 169 
   IV. On Christ as First Object Num. 172 
   V. To the Principal Arguments of the First Question  Num. 183 
   VI. To the principal Arguments of the Second Question Num. 192 
   VI. To the Third Question 
      A. Opinion of Others Num. 196 
      B. Scotus’ own Response Num. 200 
   VII. To the principal Arguments of the Third Question Num. 207 

Fourth Part

On Theology as a Science

Questions 1 and 2: Whether theology in itself is a science, and whether it is subaltern-ing or subaltern-ed  Num. 208 
   I. To the First Question  Num. 208 
   II. To the Second Question  Num. 214 

Fifth Part

On Theology insofar as it is a Practical Science

Question 1: Whether theology is a practical or a speculative science Num. 217 
Question 2: Whether a science is called practical per se from order to action as to its end  Num. 223 
   I. What Action [Praxis] is  Num. 228 
   II. How Practical Knowledge is Extended to Action  Num. 236 
   III. From what Source Knowledge gets its Extension to Action Num. 239 
   IV. To the Second Question  Num. 265 
   V. To the First Question 
      A. The Opinion of Others  Num. 270 
      B. Scotus’ own Opinion  Num. 314 
   VI. To the Principal Arguments of the First Question  Num. 345 
   VII. To the Principal Arguments of the Second Question  Num. 356