past masters commons

Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 4. Distinctions 14 - 42.
Book Four. Distinctions 14 - 42
Fourteenth Distinction
Question Four. Whether Guilt is Deleted by the Sacrament of Penitence
I. To the Question
A. About the Idea of the Name ‘Sacrament of Penitence’

A. About the Idea of the Name ‘Sacrament of Penitence’

195. About the first point [n.194] I set down this idea of the name: ‘Penitence is the absolution of a penitent man, carried out in certain words, with due intention, pronounced by a priest, who possesses jurisdiction from divine institution, signifying the absolution of the soul from sin’.