past masters commons

Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 4. Distinctions 14 - 42.
Book Four. Distinctions 14 - 42
Thirty Third Distinction
Question Two. Whether a Bigamist before Baptism Could after Baptism be Promoted to Holy Orders
II. To the Initial Arguments

II. To the Initial Arguments

62. To the first argument [n.29]: either Jerome is denied, as the canonists [e.g. Raymond of Penafort] do commonly deny him, holding to Augustine [n.31], or that ‘crimes do not stand in the way’ can be expounded as to the receiving of grace, but they do stand in the way as to holding a rank of dignity in the Church; and this distinction is taken from the chapter from Ambrose [n.32].a

a.a [Note by Scotus] I say that one must deny Jerome if he spoke contrary to Augustine, because although Jerome may be compared to an ox, because he is senior or older, and Augustine to a calf, because junior, yet Augustine more set his foot where the other did not stay; and therefore where he contradicts Augustine, by the Church is Augustine held to. Or Jerome can be glossed: ‘is not held against him etc.’ is true as to the crime, but it does not follow that it not be held against him as to the penalty of irregularity, however much he has been regenerated through baptism; or it will not be held against him if there is necessity in the Church.

63. To the second [n.30] I say that this irregularity and that are not alike, and the cause is stated in the main solution [nn.52-58-59].