1. About Canonical Penalty as it is here Understood

10. About the first [n.9]:

A canonical penalty, as we understand it in the matter at hand, is a penalty inflicted according to the canons, prohibiting or restraining the one punished from any ecclesiastical act that would otherwise be permitted to him (this last clause is added because for a layman it is no penalty that he not be able to confect the Eucharist, because this does not belong to him but to an ordained priest).

11. Now I said ‘according to the canons’ because whether a penalty be inflicted by a canon or by a judge and not by a canon, yet in order for it to be just it must be inflicted according to a canon.

12. And I said ‘prohibiting or restraining’ because the penalty we are now speaking of is understood either to constrain as a prohibition only or, if in any way to do more (which is discussed in the second article [nn.55-56]), that way is contained under ‘restrain’ or ‘constrain’.