101 occurrences of therefore etc in this volume.
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Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 4. Distinctions 14 - 42.
Book Four. Distinctions 14 - 42
Twenty Third Distinction
Single Question. Whether Extreme Unction is a Sacrament of the New Law
II. To the Initial Arguments

II. To the Initial Arguments

23. To the arguments.

To the first [n.3] I say that this sacrament was instituted by Christ, as was plain above in the aforesaid distinction and question [n.3, with reference]. And James was only the promulgator or herald of this sacrament instituted by Christ.

24. To the second [n.4] I say that this sacrament is one by unity of integrity but not one by unity of indivisibility, just as neither is its effect indivisibly one (because it is not remission of one venial sin) but one by unity of plenary remission of all venial sins, so that, with them all remitted, nothing remains holding him back from reception of beatitude.