a. Proof of the First Conclusion by Others

66. The first conclusion is proved as follows [Richard of Middleton, Sent. IV d.21 princ.4 q.1]:

“The same person can, when speaking in the person of another, truly affirm something that he would truly deny speaking in his own person (proof: the angel speaking to Moses in the person of God truly said, ‘I am the Lord your God etc.’, Exodus 20.2, which he would have truly denied speaking in his own person). Therefore, by similarity a man when representing the person of God in the forum of confession can truly affirm something that he can truly deny outside that forum when speaking in his own person. Therefore, when saying outside the forum that he had heard or knows those things, he is lying, because they only came to his knowledge insofar he was representing the person of God. But to avoid a lie belongs to the right of nature, and especially a pernicious lie; therefore etc.” b. Refutation of the Aforesaid Proof