past masters commons

Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 4. Distinctions 8 - 13.
Book Four. Distinctions 8 - 13
Tenth Distinction. First Part: On the Possibility of Christ’s Body Existing in the Eucharist
Question Two. Whether the Same Body can be Located in Diverse Places at the Same Time
I. To the Question
B. The Possibility of an Affirmative Conclusion
2. Particular Reasons, drawn from the Statements of Henry of Ghent
d. Fourth Reason

d. Fourth Reason

117. I argue fourth thus: an angel can be in several places together definitively; therefore so can a body be in several places together in its dimensions, or in place and by being circumscribed there.

The consequence is plain because the limitation is the same here as there, and consequently also determination as to place is similar, in the way suitable to each; hence, and generally, those who deny the consequent deny the antecedent.

118. Proof of the antecedent: God can convert bread into an angel (as will be shown in d.11 n.61); but, according to Henry [n.105], the place where something is converted [sc. the bread] is the place where what it is converted into is [sc. the angel] (after the conversion at any rate, if the reason for the converted thing’s having a location remains); therefore an angel will be where the bread was. And the angel is not moved from heaven; therefore it is in two places. And it cannot be present there without being in the place there in the way suitable for it, namely definitively; therefore etc.