past masters commons

Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 4. Distinctions 8 - 13.
Book Four. Distinctions 8 - 13
Twelfth Distinction. Third Part: About Change in the Accidents
Second Article: About Change with which the Eucharist does not Remain
Single Question. Whether in Any Change that is Made in the Eucharist Some Substance Must Return by Divine Action
I. To the Question
A. First Opinion, which is from Pope Innocent III
1. Exposition of the Opinion

1. Exposition of the Opinion

451. There is an opinion here from Innocent III On the Sacrament of the Altar 4.11,56 which says the substance of bread returns.

452. This can be proved as follows, that Christ is in the Eucharist as spiritual nourishment, and suitable bodily nourishment remains as long as the species exist; therefore when the species cease to have the idea of suitable nourishment (as substances unsuitable for nourishment bodily would be if they were in the substance of bread and wine), then the body of Christ really ceases to be there as spiritual nourishment; but when the Eucharist ceases, the substance returns. Therefore in such change the substance returns.

453. Nor must one posit a new miracle here, because the body of Christ ceases to be there when the species would not be of a nature to affect the substances converted, for God has instituted the Eucharist not to remain unless suitable species remain.

454. Nor too is there a new miracle because, namely, the substance returns there when the body of Christ ceases to be there, for God has ordained accidents never to be without a subject save in the Eucharist.