past masters commons

Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 4. Distinctions 8 - 13.
Book Four. Distinctions 8 - 13
Twelfth Distinction. First Part: About the Being of the Accidents in the Eucharist
Question One. Whether there is in the Eucharist Any Accident without a Subject
I. To the Question
C. Scotus’ own Opinion
2. Three Conclusions

2. Three Conclusions

28. Let the first conclusion, then, be that, when speaking of what is per se signified by accident, it is a contradiction to understand it not to be in a subject; and this when understanding it in a uniform way in subject and in predicate, namely if actually actually, if aptitudinally aptitudinally.

29. Let the second conclusion be that, when speaking of what is denominated by what is per se signified by accident and is a per se respect, it is a contradiction for an accident to be without a subject, and this actually, namely such that it not actually inhere in a subject (extending subject to the foundation that can be the proximate subject of a respect).

30. The third conclusion is that what is denominated by what is per se signified by accident and is something absolute is capable of being and not being in a subject actually - but it is necessarily in a subject aptitudinally.