B. Whether Anything Real subsists under Such an Idea

22. About the second point [n.20], I say that this idea is not false in itself, because no part is repugnant to another.

23. For it is possible, without contradiction, for the body of Christ to be contained under the species of bread and his blood under the species of wine (which is something presumed here, because it will be made clear in d.10 nn.24-70). And it is possible that these signs were instituted by God to signify in truth that the things signified are contained under the species, for what God can do he can signify through some perceptible sign imposed to signify it. Therefore, some being, that is, something to which existence is not repugnant, does subsist under this idea.

24. Further, I say that there subsists under it some being effectively, for the fact can be proved by authority and fitting reason.

25. The authority is Matthew 26.26-29 where, after the Cena Christ instituted this sacrament, so that under the species his true body and true blood were truly contained. And not only then when he himself confected it, but also when the sacrament was confected by priests in the Church, since he adds for the Apostles there, “This do in commemoration of me.”

26. The same is contained in Luke 22.19-20 and I Corinthians 11.23-29; 10.16-17, where the Apostle gives full determination about the manner of receiving and consecrating this sacrament. “This bread,” he says, “which we (we priests) break, is it not a participation in the body of the Lord?” And that this sacrament was to continue perpetually in the Church he there says, “As often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you proclaim the death of the Lord until he come (understand: for judgement).” Hence the Church militant is going to last until then and the Eucharist in it, as all the saints maintain.

27. But the proof that the sacrament is fitting is that it is fitting for Christ to be with us in such a perceptible sign, so that each may be the more stirred to devotion and reverence for Christ. And this is plain in fact, because almost every devotion in the Church is ordered to this sacrament, for a cleric performs his divine office for this reason with greater care in its ordering to the mass. Also, for this reason do the people more devoutly attend to mass than any other ecclesiastical duty. Again, for this reason individuals confess with greater care when they intend (according to the ordering of the Church) to receive communion, which should at least be done once in a year, according to the ordering of the Church.

28. It was also fitting that after spiritual generation spiritual nourishment is conferred on us, and this is more fittingly given to us under the likeness of bodily nourishment; now the chief bodily and spiritual nourishment consists in bread and wine; therefore etc

29. It was fitting too that the perceptible sign, under which God wished to give himself to us and to be with us, should have an order to certain words spoken by some minister, because otherwise we would not know when Christ was in such sign and when not, and thus due reverence and devotion would perish.

30. It was also fitting that in the pronouncing of the words the minister should stand out in the Church, that is, be a priest, through whose ministerial act Christ would thus begin to be with us.