47 occurrences of therefore etc in this volume.
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Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 3. Distinctions 26 - 40.
Book 3. Distinctions 26 - 40
Thirty Third Distinction
Single Question. Whether the Moral Virtues are in the Will as in their Subject
I. To the Question
B. The Opposite Opinion of Henry of Ghent which Rejects the Opinion of Aquinas
3. Against the Conclusion of Aquinas’ Opinion

3. Against the Conclusion of Aquinas’ Opinion

38. One can, in addition to these arguments [nn.15-37], argue against the holder of this opinion as follows: If, according to him, ‘in the state of innocence there would not be in the sensitive appetite any passion repugnant to right reason’ [Aquinas ST Ia q.95 a.2], there would be no need to posit virtue in the sensitive appetite; and yet the virtues did then exist, because man was then perfect in accord with them - from the Master in the text.

39. There is also the authority Augustine in Letter 35 or 36 [Letter 155 to Macedonius 3.12: “There will be one virtue there, and it will be both virtue and the reward of virtue. It will be prudence...and courage...and temperance...and justice”].

40. Also in his Soliloquies I. 6.13, “Perfect reason is the soul reaching its end.”

41. Again in his City of God 11.15 [14.6: “Love itself is to be loved, whereby that is loved well which should be loved, so that the virtue by which we live well may be in us”].

42. Again the Master lists the acts that can remain in the fatherland, and they are not acts of the sensitive appetite.