past masters commons

Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 3. Distinctions 1 - 17.
Book 3. Distinctions 1 - 17
Fifteenth Distinction
Single Question. Whether there was True Sorrow in Christ’s Soul as to its Higher Part
II. Fuller Examination of the Question and Solution to it
C. Whether Christ was Saddened in the Higher and Lower part of the Intellect
3. About the Passion as it is an Object of Sadness in the Lower Part
c. Scotus’ own Conclusion

c. Scotus’ own Conclusion

133. As to this article and its treatment [nn.106-132], it does not seem one has to keep the idea that the inferior part absolutely did not want the Passion [n. 108], for even without this idea one can keep the fact that the lower part was saddened by the Passion both as this part is a nature and as it is free, for it was saddened because of conditional not-wanting, as was said above [nn.117, 123,126].