136 occurrences of therefore etc in this volume.
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Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 3. Distinctions 1 - 17.
Book 3. Distinctions 1 - 17
First Distinction. First Part. On the Possibility of the Incarnation
Question One Whether it was Possible for Human Nature to be United to the Word in Unity of Supposit
II. To the Principal Arguments
B. To the Special Arguments
3. To the Argument on the Part of the Union

3. To the Argument on the Part of the Union

84. To the final argument [n.11] I say that the proposition is false, namely that ‘every dependence is of caused thing on cause or on prior caused thing’: for there is a dependence of a different idea from that, and it is not a dependence on something as that something has quiddity but as it is a subsistent being or a supposit; of such sort is the dependence here [cf. n.212 below].