past masters commons

Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 2. Distinctions 4 to 44.
Book Two. Distinctions 4 - 44
Fourth and Fifth Distinctions
Question Two. Whether the Angel merited Blessedness before receiving it
II. To the First Question
D. To the Reason for the Opinion Positing only Two Intervals

D. To the Reason for the Opinion Positing only Two Intervals

50. To the reason which is relied on for the opinion that posits only two intervals, namely [Aquinas] ‘because angels understand non-discursively and thus do they acquire their perfection’ - I reply:

If they would, because of this, have been blessed at once after one act, it would follow that the bad - who according to the same doctor [n.24] merited in the first instant - would have been blessed and would never have sinned; therefore the assumption [sc. about non-discursive understanding] is false of the natural perfection of angels (as was touched on in 2 d.3 p.2 nn.315, 325), and is much more false of the supernatural perfection that they acquire meritoriously. For this latter perfection is according to the acceptation of the one who gives the reward, whose law it is that “he who perseveres to the end will be saved” - and he who falls will be condemned (Matthew 10.22, 24.13); and therefore, if at some point they merited and did not persevere for the whole interval deputed to the way, they did not sufficiently merit eternal blessedness.