110 occurrences of therefore etc in this volume.
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Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 2. Distinctions 4 to 44.
Book Two. Distinctions 4 - 44
Fourth and Fifth Distinctions
Question Two. Whether the Angel merited Blessedness before receiving it
II. To the First Question
C. To the Principal Arguments

C. To the Principal Arguments

47. To the principal arguments [nn.2-5]

To the first [n.2] I say that the consequence is not valid.

48. To the proof of the consequence [n.4] I say that God could have given the angels blessedness in the instant of creation had he wished, but it was more glorious to have it from merit - and thus did his wisdom dispose. But the merit could not exist - on the supposition of the divine liberty, which created them all equal - save in at least two intervals preceding the blessedness [nn.40, 36].

49. To the other argument [n.5]: although the likeness of grace and glory to guilt and punishment may be denied, nevertheless I say that the bad were not bad with culpable demerit and at the same time damned, because they were not on the way and at the same time in the term (as neither were the good); and although they are at one time in guilt, yet they are not at another time demeriting - as wayfarers when eliciting an act whose eliciting is imputed to them for demerit.