past masters commons

Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 2. Distinctions 4 to 44.
Book Two. Distinctions 4 - 44
Thirtieth to Thirty Second Distinctions
Question Four. Whether Original Sin is Remitted in Baptism
I. To All the Questions at Once
B. Scotus’ own Opinion, which is taken from Anselm
3. How Original Sin is Contracted

3. How Original Sin is Contracted

67. As to the third article and the third question [nn.49, 17].

In line with this way [n.48] it is said that the soul contracts original sin by the intermediary of the flesh - not in such a way that the flesh as it were causes the sin by some quality quasi-caused [n.29] in the soul, but by the fact that the flesh is sown with concupiscence, and from this the organic body is formed and the soul infused into it [n.63], constituting a person who is a son of Adam. This person, then, because he is a natural son of Adam, is in debt for original justice (given by God to Adam for all his sons) and lacks it; therefore he has original sin. So the sin is contracted in the flesh insofar as the flesh is a natural reason, and from this reason the person is proved to owe the justice that through Adam’s sin he lacks.