past masters commons

Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 2. Distinctions 4 to 44.
Book Two. Distinctions 4 - 44
Twenty Ninth Distinction
Single Question. Whether Original Justice in Adam must be Set Down as a Supernatural Gift
III. To Certain Statements of Henry of Ghent

III. To Certain Statements of Henry of Ghent

26. As to what is touched on in the example about the rod [n.6], the case is not similar; for bodily quantity cannot, as it seems, come to be in anything without some determinate quality of the fourth species [sc. shape]; but essence and spiritual power can come to be without habit [sc. the first species of quality].

27. As for what is touched on about the wounding in nature [n.7], there will be discussion of it below at d.35 [dd.34-37 nn.33, 46, 49], where will be stated which sin is a corruption of good, and of which good, whether of the nature itself in which it is or of something else.a

a. a[Interpolation] About this at the end of that question [sc. d.35].