past masters commons

Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 2. Distinctions 1 - 3.
Book Two. Distinctions 1 - 3
Second Distinction. First Part. On the Measure of the Duration of the Existence of Angels
Question Four. Whether the Operation of an Angel is Measured by Aeviternity
III. To the Authority of Augustine adduced for the Opinion of Henry

III. To the Authority of Augustine adduced for the Opinion of Henry

188. To the remark of Augustine (n.148, ‘God moves the spiritual creature in time’) adduced for the first opinion [sc. Henry’s], one can say that Augustine takes time there for everything that can have being after non-being (as the authorities above were expounded in the first question about aeviternity [n.79]), and in this way anything at all that is other than God is temporal. And so what has one thing succeeding to another (as being after non-being) can be said to be ‘moved in time’, even though what succeeds - or what it succeeds to - is not properly temporal, because ‘non-being’ or ‘nothing’ has no measure. So should one speak in the issue at hand.