past masters commons

Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 2. Distinctions 1 - 3.
Book Two. Distinctions 1 - 3
Second Distinction. First Part. On the Measure of the Duration of the Existence of Angels
Question Four. Whether the Operation of an Angel is Measured by Aeviternity
I. To the Question
C. Instances against Scotus’ own Solution

C. Instances against Scotus’ own Solution

168. But there is against this that it then seems everything permanent would be measured by aeviternity; for nothing is permanent whose existence does not stay the same while it lasts, and this without succession properly speaking, which is acquisition or loss of part after part.

169. The consequent seems unacceptable, for two reasons:

First, because according to the Philosopher Physics 4.12.221b7-9 rest is measured by time; therefore things where motion is of a nature to be are, when not in motion, measured by time as if they were in motion.

170. Second, because the generation and corruption of all generable and corruptible things are measured by an instant of time; but that which has its first being measured by the ‘now’ of time has its possessed being measured by time; therefore the possessed being of all generable things is, after generation, measured by time.