past masters commons

Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 1. Distinctions 26 to 48.
Book One. Distinctions 26 - 48
Twenty Seventh Distinction
Question Three. Whether the Divine Word states a Respect to the Creature
II. To the Third Question
A. The Opinion of Others

A. The Opinion of Others

91. To the third question an answer given is yes [sc. that the divine word does state a respect to creatures], because of the authority of Augustine 83 Questions question 63, where he speaks of the beginning of John’s Gospel and says: “Logos is better translated by us in this place as ‘word’” (instead of as ‘reason’), “so that there may be signified not only a respect to the Father but also to the things that are made through the word by his operative power.”

92. There is added too that the word states a proper respect to creatures, because word, of its idea, is declarative knowledge; therefore it belongs to it in its idea ‘to declare’ things.

93. There is also appropriated to the Son a relation to creatures: but the appropriation is only made because of the agreement of such appropriated thing to the property of the person to which it is appropriated. And it is made clear by a likeness about gift.

94. And in a similar way is set down that just as there gift, as it connotes an aptitudinal relation, pertains to the property of the Holy Spirit, so the word, as it states an aptitudinal relation - not an actual or habitual one - pertains to the second person.