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Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 1. Distinctions 11 to 25.
Book One. Distinctions 11 - 25
Eleventh Distinction
Question 2. Whether, if the Holy Spirit does not proceed from the Son, a real Distinction between him and the Son could stand.
II. Response to the Question
A. Opinion of Others

A. Opinion of Others

35. Therefore, allowing of the question, there is one opinion that says that if the Holy Spirit did not proceed from the Son he would in no way be distinguished from him, - and it has on its behalf two reasons.

36. One reason is this: relation in divine reality distinguishes either according to its quiddity or according to its being; not according to its being because thus it passes into essence;     therefore according to its quiddity. But according to its quiddity it only has a respect to its opposite, therefore it only distinguishes from its opposite; but, on the supposition of this hypothesis, there would not be in Son and Holy Spirit opposite relations; therefore etc     .

37. The second reason is this: if disparate relations could sufficiently distinguish persons, since there are two such relations in the Father - as active generation and active inspiriting -, the Father would be two persons. There is a confirmation for the reason in that these relations - active inspiriting and active generation - seem to have as great a distinction as do their relatives or correlatives; therefore the latter can distinguish just as can the former.

38. Anselm’s authority is adduced, in his book On the Procession of the Holy Spirit ch.2, but since each side adduces him on their own behalf and there is much disagreement about what his intention was, I do not for this reason wish here to dwell much on his intention.