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Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 1. Distinctions 4 to 10.
Book One. Distinctions 4 - 10
Fourth Distinction. First Part. On the Predication of Otherness in Divine Generation

Fourth Distinction. First Part. On the Predication of Otherness in Divine Generation

Single Question. Whether this proposition is true ‘God generates another God’

1. There is another question, about ‘other’ [Parisian Reportatio IA d.4 n.1] - It is contained in the Cambridge question [Reportatio IC], but in this way [sc. as opposed to the way it is contained in Reportatio IA]: as it is in the case of all concrete terms, whether substantives or adjectives - wherefore they are not numbered the way something having a form is.1 Another question, the common one, ‘whether God generates God’, of which the Cambridge question can be the article.2

2. For the arguments ‘pro’ and ‘con’ see the Parisian [Reportatio IA d.4 nn.2-5].

3. Solution. There is, corresponding to any entity, some thing or someone, as its ‘in which’; deity is of itself a ‘this’, therefore God is of himself a ‘this’; therefore nonidentity is in itself repugnant to him; ‘other’ posits non-identity about him, because it is a determinable of him [IA d.4 n.6].

4. These three phrases are distinguished - other than God, other by deity, other in deity: the locution ‘another God’ does not posit the first two but the third. [IA d.4 nn.7-10].

5. On the contrary: ‘other’ connotes that the same extremes are in a determinable form. - Response: they are the same in one way in that form, different in another [IA d.4 n.10].

6. Another doubt, same God and other God: the term ‘God’, as it is compared to subject and determination, is understood in the same way in both cases, otherwise in one proposition the term would be understood under opposite modes of understanding; therefore if it has a personal and not a simple distinction with respect to the subject, it has the same distinction with respect to the term ‘other’ [IA d.4 n.13].