《所染 \ On Dyeing》

1 子墨子言見染絲者而歎曰:「染於蒼則蒼,染於黃則黃。所入者變,其色亦變。五入必而已,則為五色矣。故染不可不慎也。」

Watching a dyer of silk at work, Mozi sighed, saying: What is dyed in blue becomes blue, what is dyed in yellow becomes yellow. When the silk is put in a different dye, its colour becomes also different. Having been dipped in five times, it has changed its colour five times. Therefore dyeing should be done with great care.

2 非獨染絲然也,國亦有染。舜染於許由、伯陽,禹染於皋陶、伯益,湯染於伊尹、仲虺,武王染於太公、周公。此四王者所染當,故王天下,立為天子,功名蔽天地。舉天下之仁義顯人,必稱此四王者。

This is true not only with silk dyeing; even a country changes its colour in response to its influences. Thus Shun came under the influences of Xu You and Bo Yang; Yu, under that of Gao Yao and Bo Yi; Tang, under that of Yi Yin and Zhong Hui; and King Wu, under that of the Grand Duke and Duke Zhou. Now these four kings had been under good influences. Therefore they came to possess the empire and were commissioned Sons of Heaven (Emperors). Their achievements and great fame extended from Heaven to earth. And when the preeminently magnanimous and righteous figures of the world are mentioned, they are invariably those referred to.

3 夏桀染於干辛、推哆,殷紂染於崇侯、惡來,厲王染於厲公長父、榮夷終,幽王染於傅公夷、蔡公穀。此四王者所染不當,故國殘身死,為天下僇。舉天下不義辱人,必稱此四王者。

Jie of Xia came under the influence of Gan Xin and Tui Yi; Zhou of Yin, under that of the Duke of Zhong and E Lai; King Li, under that of Chang Fu, Duke Li, and Yi Zhong of the State of Rong; and King You, under that of Yi, Duke of Fu, and Gu, Duke of Cai. Now these four kings had been under bad influences. Therefore they lost their empire and their lives, and were persecuted everywhere. And when the most unrighteous and shameful persons of the world are mentioned, they are invariably those referred to.

4 齊桓染於管仲、鮑叔,晉文染於舅犯、高偃,楚莊染於孫叔、沈尹,吳闔閭染於伍員、文義,越句踐染於范蠡大夫種。此五君者所染當,故霸諸侯,功名傅於後世。

Lord Huan of Qi came under the influence of Guan Zhong and Bao Shu; Lord Wen of Jin, under that of Uncle Fan and Gao Yan; Lord Zhuang of Chu, under that of Sun Shu and the Minister of Shen; He Lu of Wu, under that of Wu Yuan and Wen Yi; and Gou Jian of Yue, under that of Fan Li and Minister Zhong. Now these five lords had been under good influences. Therefore they became Tyrants among the feudal lords and their achievements and their fame were handed down to posterity.

5 范吉射染於長柳朔、王胜,中行寅染於籍秦、高彊,吳夫差染於王孫雒、太宰嚭,知伯搖染於智國、張武,中山尚染於魏義、偃長,宋康染於唐鞅、佃不禮。此六君者所染不當,故國家殘亡,身為刑戮,宗廟破滅,絕無後類,君臣離散,民人流亡。舉天下之貪暴苛擾者,必稱此六君也。

Fan Ji She came under the influence of Zhang Liu Shuo and Wang Sheng; Zhang Xing Yin, under that of Ji Qin and Gao Jiang; Fu Chai, under that of Wang Sun Luo and Minister Pi; Zhi Bo Yao, under that of Zhi Guo and Zhang Wu; Shang of Zhongshan, under that of Wei Yi and Yan Chang; and Lord Kang of Song, under that of Tang Yang and Tian Bu Li. Now, these six princes had been under bad influences. Therefore their states were ruined and they were executed, their ancestral temples were destroyed and descendants annihilated. The rulers and the subjects were dispersed and the people were left homeless. The whole world points to these six princes as the most greedy and disturbing people.

6 凡君之所以安者,何也?以其行理也,行理性於染當。故善為君者,勞於論人,而佚於治官。不能為君者,傷形費神,愁心勞意,然國逾危,身逾辱。此六君者,非不重其國,愛其身也,以不知要故也。不知要者,所染不當也。

Now, how can the rulers obtain security? They can obtain it by following the right way. And one will naturally follow the right way when under good influence. Therefore capable rulers are very painstaking in the selection of men while they may not be so careful in attending to the administration (themselves). But the incapable wear out their body and exhaust their energy, tax their mind and stretch their thought, and yet their states are only placed in greater danger and their persons under more humiliation. Now, it is not that these six princes do not value their states or hold their lives cheap, it is really that they do not understand the relative importance of things. And it is due to bad influences that their idea of importance is distorted.

7 非獨國有染也,士亦有染。其友皆好仁義,淳謹畏令,則家日益,身日安,名日榮,處官得其理矣,則段干木、禽子、傅說之徒是也。其友皆好矜奮,創作比周,則家日損,身日危,名日辱,處官失其理矣,則子西、易牙、豎刀之徒是也。《詩》曰:「必擇所堪。」必謹所堪者,此之謂也。

Not only states but also individuals are subject to influences. If one has for friends none but those who Iove magnanimity and righteousness and who are careful and respectful of course one's family will become more prosperous, one's person more at peace, and one's name more honorable every day; and, as an official, one will be properly qualified. Examples of such are Duan Gan Mu, Qinzi, and Fu Yue. (On the contrary) if one has for friends none but those who are proud and quarrelsome and who pretend to be intimate, naturally one's family will be reduced to straits, one's person will be more in danger, and one's name more dishonourable every day and one will not be qualified for office. And, examples of such are Zi Xi, Yi Ya, and Shu Diao. An Ode says: "One must choose what to be tinged with." To be careful about what one is to be tinged with is just the theme of this (essay).