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Chinese Classics I: Philosophy
墨子 \ Mozi (Mo-tzu) \ The Works of Mozi
墨子 \ Mozi (Mo-tzu) \ The Works of Mozi
卷七 \ Book 7
《天志下 \ Will of Heaven III》

《天志下 \ Will of Heaven III》

1 子墨子言曰:「天下之所以亂者,其說將何哉?則是天下士君子,皆明於小而不明於大。何以知其明於小不明於大也?以其不明於天之意也。何以知其不明於天之意也?以處人之家者知之。今人處若家得罪,將猶有異家所,以避逃之者,然且父以戒子,兄以戒弟,曰:『戒之慎之,處人之家,不戒不慎之,而有處人之國者乎?』今人處若國得罪,將猶有異國所,以避逃之者矣,然且父以戒子,兄以戒弟,曰:『戒之慎之,處人之國者,不可不戒慎也!』今人皆處天下而事天,得罪於天,將無所以避逃之者矣。然而莫知以相極戒也,吾以此知大物則不知者也。」

Mozi said: What is the reason for the disorder in the world? It is because the gentlemen of the world all understand trifles but not things of importance. How do we know they understand trifles but not things of importance? Because they do not understand the will of Heaven. How do we know they do not understand the will of Heaven? By observing the conduct in the family. If a man commits a misdemeanour in the family he still has other families in which to seek shelter. Yet, father reminds son, the elder brother reminds the younger brother, saying: "Be obedient, be careful in conduct in the family. If one is not obedient and careful in conduct in the family how can he live in the state?" If a man commits a misdemeanour in the state he still has other states in which to seek shelter. Yet father reminds son and the elder brother reminds the younger brother, saying: "Be obedient. Be careful. One cannot live in a state and be disobedient and careless." Now all men live in the world and under Heaven. When a man sins against Heaven there is nowhere to seek shelter. But people do not think of warning each other. Thus I know that they do not understand things of importance.

2 是故子墨子言曰:「戒之慎之,必為天之所欲,而去天之所惡。曰天之所欲者何也?所惡者何也?天欲義而惡其不義者也。何以知其然也?曰義者正也。何以知義之為正也?天下有義則治,無義則亂,我以此知義之為正也。然而正者,無自下正上者,必自上正下。是故庶人不得次己而為正,有士正之;士不得次己而為正,有大夫正之;大夫不得次己而為正,有諸侯正之;諸侯不得次己而為正,有三公正之;三公不得次己而為正,有天子正之;天子不得次己而為政,有天正之。今天下之士君子,皆明於天子之正天下也,而不明於天之正天子也。是故古者聖人,明以此說人曰:『天子有善,天能賞之;天子有過,天能罰之。』天子賞罰不當,聽獄不中,天下疾病禍福,霜露不時,天子必且犓豢其牛羊犬彘,絜為粢盛酒醴,以禱祠祈福於天,我未嘗聞天之禱祈福於天子也,吾以此知天之重且貴於天子也。是故義者不自愚且賤者出,必自貴且知者出。曰誰為知?天為知。然則義果自天出也。今天下之士君子之欲為義者,則不可不順天之意矣。

And Mozi said: Be obedient. Be careful. Be sure to do what Heaven desires and avoid what Heaven abominates. Now, what does Heaven desire and what does Heaven abominate? Heaven desires righteousness and abominates unrighteousness. How do we know this? Because righteousness is the standard. How do we know righteousness is the standard? Because with righteousness the world will be orderly; without it the world will be disorderly. So, I know righteousness is the standard. Now a standard is never given by the subordinate to the superior, it is always to be given by the superior to the subordinate. Hence the common people may not make the standard at will. There are the scholars to give them the standard. The scholars may not make the standard at will. There are the ministers to give them the standard. The ministers may not make the standard at will. There are the feudal lords to give them the standard. The feudal lords may not make the standard at will. There is the high duke to give them the standard. The high duke may not make the standard at will. There is the emperor to give him the standard. The emperor may not make the standard at will. There is Heaven to give him the standard. The gentlemen of the world all understand that the emperor gives the standard to the world but do not understand that Heaven gives the standard to the emperor. The sages, explaining this, said: "When the emperor has done good, Heaven rewards him. When the emperor has committed wrong, Heaven punishes him. When the emperor is unjust in reward and punishment and not judicious in hearing lawsuits, Heaven visits him with disease and calamities, and frost and dew will be untimely." The emperor will then have to feed oxen and sheep with grass and dogs and pigs with grains and prepare clean cakes and wine to pray and invoke Heaven for blessing. I have not yet heard of Heaven praying and invoking the emperor for blessing. So, I can say Heaven is more honourable and wise than the emperor. Therefore righteousness does not come from the ignorant and humble but from the honourable and wise. Who is honourable? Heaven is honourable. Who is wise? Heaven is wise. And, so, righteousness assuredly comes from Heaven. And the gentlemen of the world who desire to do righteousness therefore must obey the will of Heaven.

3 曰順天之意何若?曰兼愛天下之人。何以知兼愛天下之人也?以兼而食之也。何以知其兼而食之也?自古及今無有遠靈孤夷之國,皆犓豢其牛羊犬彘,絜為粢盛酒醴,以敬祭祀上帝山川鬼神,以此知兼而食之也。苟兼而食焉,必兼而愛之。譬之若楚、越之君,今是楚王食於楚之四境之內,故愛楚之人;越王食於越,故愛越之人。今天兼天下而食焉,我以此知其兼愛天下之人也。

What is the will of Heaven that is to be obeyed? It is to love all the people in the world universally. How do we know it is to love all the people in the world universally? Because (Heaven) accepts sacrifices from all. How do we know Heaven accepts sacrifices from all? Because from antiquity to the present day there is no distant or isolated country but what feeds oxen and sheep, dogs and pigs with grass and grains, and prepares clean cakes and wine to worship God, hills and rivers, and the spirits. So we know Heaven accepts sacrifices from all. Accepting sacrifice from all, Heaven must love them all. Take the lords of Chu and Yue for instance. The lord of Chu accepts offering from all within the four borders of Chu, therefore he loves the people of Chu. And, the lord of Yue accepts offering from all within the four borders of Yue, therefore he loves the people of Yue. Now Heaven accepts offerings from all the world and so I know Heaven loves all the people in the world.

4 且天之愛百姓也,不盡物而止矣。今天下之國,粒食之民,殺一不辜者,必有一不祥。曰誰殺不辜?曰人也。孰予之不辜?曰天也。若天之中實不愛此民也,何故而人有殺不辜,而天予之不祥哉?且天之愛百姓厚矣,天之愛百姓別矣,既可得而知也。何以知天之愛百姓也?吾以賢者之必賞善罰暴也。何以知賢者之必賞善罰暴也?吾以昔者三代之聖王知之。故昔也三代之聖王堯舜禹湯文武之兼愛天下也,從而利之,移其百姓之意焉,率以敬上帝山川鬼神,天以為從其所愛而愛之,從其所利而利之,於是加其賞焉,使之處上位,立為天子以法也,名之曰『聖人』,以此知其賞善之證。是故昔也三代之暴王桀紂幽厲之兼惡天下也,從而賊之,移其百姓之意焉,率以詬侮上帝山川鬼神,天以為不從其所愛而惡之,不從其所利而賊之,於是加其罰焉,使之父子離散,國家滅亡,抎失社稷,憂以及其身。是以天下之庶民屬而毀之,業萬世子孫繼嗣,毀之賁不之廢也,名之曰『失王』,以此知其罰暴之證。今天下之士君子,欲為義者,則不可不順天之意矣。

That Heaven loves all the people of the world is proved not only by this. In all the countries in the world and among all the people who live on grains, the murder of one innocent individual brings down one calamity. Now who is it that murders the innocent? It is man. Who is it that sends down the calamity? It is Heaven. If Heaven really did not love the people, why does Heaven send down calamities for the murder of the innocent? Furthermore, Heaven loves the people dearly, Heaven loves the people inclusively. And this can be known. How do we know Heaven loves the people? Because of the certain reward to the good and punishment to the evil from the virtuous (Heaven). How do we know the virtuous (Heaven) certainly rewards the good and punishes the evil? I know this from the (examples of) the sage-kings of the Three Dynasties. Anciently, the sage-kings of the Three Dynasties, Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang, Wen, and Wu, loved the world universally and proceeded to benefit them. They converted the desires of the people and led them to worship God, hills and rivers, and the spirits. Heaven was pleased because they loved what it loved and benefited what it would benefit, and bestowed rewards upon them, placing them on the throne, crowning them emperor, upholding them as the standard, and calling them sage-kings. Here we have the proof of reward of the good. Anciently, the wicked kings of the Three Dynasties, Jie, Zhou, You, and Li, hated all the world and proceeded to oppress them. They converted the desires of the people and led them to blaspheme against God, hills and rivers, and the spirits. Heaven was offended because they hated those whom Heaven loved and oppressed those whom Heaven would benefit, and Heaven decreed punishments upon them, letting fathers and sons be scattered, their empire be put to an end, their state be lost to them, and capital punishment fall upon them. Thereupon, the multitudes in the world condemned them, the condemnation lasting all through the ten thousand generations, the people calling them wicked kings. Here we have the proof of punishment of the evil. Those gentlemen of the world who desire to do righteousness have only to obey the will of Heaven.

5 曰順天之意者,兼也;反天之意者,別也。兼之為道也,義正;別之為道也,力正。曰義正者何若?曰大不攻小也,強不侮弱也,眾不賊寡也,詐不欺愚也,貴不傲賤也,富不驕貧也,壯不奪老也。是以天下之庶國,莫以水火毒藥兵刃以相害也。若事上利天,中利鬼,下利人,三利而無所不利,是謂天德。故凡從事此者,聖知也,仁義也,忠惠也,慈孝也,是故聚斂天下之善名而加之。是其故何也?則順天之意也。曰力正者何若?曰大則攻小也,強則侮弱也,眾則賊寡也,詐則欺愚也,貴則傲賤也,富則驕貧也,壯則奪老也。是以天下之庶國,方以水火毒藥兵刃以相賊害也。若事上不利天,中不利鬼,下不利人,三不利而無所利,是謂之賊。故凡從事此者,寇亂也,盜賊也,不仁不義,不忠不惠,不慈不孝,是故聚斂天下之惡名而加之。是其故何也?則反天之意也。」

To obey the will of Heaven is to be universal and to oppose the will of Heaven is to be partial (in love). According to the doctrine of universality righteousness is the standard; in the doctrine of partiality force is the basis of government. What is it like to have righteousness as the basis of government? The great will not attack the small, the strong will not plunder the weak, the many will not oppress the few, the clever will not deceive the ignorant, the honoured will not disdain the humble, the rich will not mock the poor, and the young will not rob the old. And the states in the empire will not ruin each other with water, fire, poison, and weapons. Such a regime will be beneficial to Heaven above, to the spirits in the middle sphere, to the people below. Being beneficial to these three it is beneficial to all. This is called the virtue of Heaven; whoever practises this is a sage, magnanimous, gracious, and righteous, loyal, affectionate, and filial, and all such good names in the world will be gathered and attributed to him. Why so? Because such conduct is in accordance with the will of Heaven. Now, what is it like to have force as the basis of government? The great will attack the small, the strong will plunder the weak, the many will oppress the few, the clever will impose upon the ignorant, the honoured will disdain the humble, the rich will mock the poor, and the young will rob the old. And the states in the empire will ruin each other with water, fire, poison, and weapons. Such a regime will not be helpful to Heaven above, to the spirits in the middle sphere, or to the people below. Not being helpful to these three, it is not helpful to any. This is called the enemy of Heaven. He who practises this is a bad man, not magnanimous, not gracious, and unrighteous, disloyal, unaffectionate, and unfilial, and all such evil names in the world are gathered and attributed to him. Why so? Because such conduct is in opposition to the will of Heaven.

6 故子墨子置立天之,以為儀法,若輪人之有規,匠人之有矩也。今輪人以規,匠人以矩,以此知方圜之別矣。是故子墨子置立天之,以為儀法。吾以此知天下之士君子之去義遠也。何以知天下之士君子之去義遠也?今知氏大國之君寬者然曰:「吾處大國而不攻小國,吾何以為大哉!」是以差論蚤牙之士,比列其舟車之卒,以攻罰無罪之國,入其溝境,刈其禾稼,斬其樹木,殘其城郭,以御其溝池,焚燒其祖廟,攘殺其犧牷,民之格者,則剄殺之,不格者,則係操而歸,丈夫以為僕圉胥靡,婦人以為舂酋。則夫好攻伐之君,不知此為不仁義,以告四鄰諸侯曰:「吾攻國覆軍,殺將若干人矣。」其鄰國之君亦不知此為不仁義也,有具其皮幣,發其總處,使人饗賀焉。則夫好攻伐之君,有重不知此為不仁不義也,有書之竹帛,藏之府庫。為人後子者,必且欲順其先君之行,曰:「何不當發吾府庫,視吾先君之法美。」必不曰文、武之為正者若此矣,曰吾攻國覆軍殺將若干人矣。則夫好攻伐之君,不知此為不仁不義也,其鄰國之君不知此為不仁不義也,是以攻伐世世而不已者,此吾所謂大物則不知也。

Hence Mozi established the will of Heaven as his standard, just as the wheelwright uses his compasses and the carpenter uses his square as their standards. The wheelwright with his compasses and the carpenter with his square can judge the circularity and the squareness of objects. Similarly, with the will of Heaven as the standard, Mozi can tell that the gentlemen of the world are far from righteousness. How do we know the gentlemen of the world are far from righteousness ? For, the lords in the large states compete in saying: "Being a big state, if I do not attack the small states, in what way am I big?" Therefore they mustered their warriors and soldiers, and arranged their boat and chariot forces to attack some innocent state. They broke into its borders, cut down its fields, felled its trees, tore down its inner and outer city walls, and filled up its moats and ditches, burned its ancestral temples and seized and killed its sacrificial victims. Of the people the strong were killed, the weak were brought back in chains and ropes. The men were turned into servants and grooms and prisoners. The women were made to be waitresses (to pour wine). Yet, the warring lord did not even know that this is unmagnanimous and unrighteous. He announced to the neighbouring lords: "I have attacked a state, defeated an army, and killed so many generals." And the neighbouring lords did not know that this is unmagnanimous and unrighteous either, but with furs and silk sent envoys to offer congratulations. And the warring lords were even doubly ignorant of its being unmagnanimous and unrighteous. They recorded it on the bamboos and silk and kept them in the archives so that the descendants would imitate their royal ancestors, saying: "Why not let us open up the archives and let us learn of the achievements of our ancestors?" Then they would surely not learn: "Such and such is the regime of Wu," but would learn: "I have attacked states, reversed armies, and killed so many of their generals." Now that the warring lords do not understand this to be unmagnanimous and unrighteous, and neighbouring lords do not understand this to be unmagnanimous and unrighteous, therefore attacks and assaults go on generation after generation without end. This is what I mean when I say they do not understand matters of importance.

7 所謂小物則知之者何若?今有人於此,入人之場園,取人之桃李瓜薑者,上得且罰之,眾聞則非之,是何也?曰不與其勞,獲其實,已非其有所取之故,而況有踰於人之牆垣,抯格人之子女者乎?與角人之府庫,竊人之金玉蚤絫者乎?與踰人之欄牢,竊人之牛馬者乎?而況有殺一不辜人乎?今王公大人之為政也,自殺一不辜人者;踰人之牆垣,抯格人之子女者;與角人之府庫,竊人之金玉蚤絫者;與踰人之欄牢,竊人之牛馬者;與入人之場園,竊人之桃李瓜薑者,今王公大人之加罰此也,雖古之堯舜禹湯文武之為政,亦無以異此矣。今天下之諸侯,將猶皆侵凌攻伐兼并,此為殺一不辜人者,數千萬矣;此為踰人之牆垣,格人之子女者,與角人府庫,竊人金玉蚤絫者,數千萬矣;踰人之欄牢,竊人之牛馬者,與入人之場園,竊人之桃李瓜薑者,數千萬矣,而自曰義也。故子墨子言曰:「是蕡我者,則豈有以異是蕡黑白甘苦之辯者哉!今有人於此,少而示之黑謂之黑,多示之黑謂白,必曰吾目亂,不知黑白之別。今有人於此,能少嘗之甘謂甘,多嘗謂苦,必曰吾口亂,不知其甘苦之味。今王公大人之政也,或殺人,其國家禁之,此蚤越有能多殺其鄰國之人,因以為文義,此豈有異蕡白黑、甘苦之別者哉?」

What do I mean when I say people do not understand things of importance but understand trifles? Supposing some one entered the orchard and garden of another and took the other's peaches and prunes, melon and ginger, he will be punished by the superior when caught and condemned by the public when heard of. Why? Because he did not share the toil but takes the fruit and appropriates what is not his. How much more is this true with him who jumps over another's fence and maltreats the children of the other; of him who digs into another's storehouse and carries away the others gold, jade, silk, and cloth; of him who breaks into another's fold and steals the other's oxen and horses; and of him who kills an innocent person? In the government of the lords of to-day all - from the one who kills an innocent person to the one who jumps over another's fence and maltreats the other's children, who digs into another's warehouse and carries away his gold, jade, silk and cloth, who breaks into another's fold and steals his oxen and horses, and who enters another's orchard and garden and takes his peaches and prunes, melons and ginger - all these are punished quite the same as they would be even in the government of Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang, Wen, and Wu. Now the lords and chiefs in the world all attack and absorb others. This is a thousand and ten thousand times worse than killing one innocent individual, a thousand and ten thousand times worse than jumping over another's fence and maltreating his children or digging into another's storehouse and carrying away his gold, jade, silk, and cloth, a thousand and ten thousand times worse than breaking into another's fold and stealing his oxen and horses, or entering another's orchard and garden and taking his peaches and prunes, melons and ginger. Yet, they claim it to be righteous. Mozi said: This is meant to confuse us. And is this at all different from confusion in the distinctions between black and white, and sweet and bitter? Suppose a man who upon being shown a little blackness says it is black, but upon being shown much blackness says it is white. He will have to admit that his sight is confused and that he cannot tell the difference between black and white. Suppose a man when served with a little bitter says it is bitter, but when served with much bitter says it is sweet. Then he will have to admit that his taste is impaired and that he cannot tell the difference between sweet and bitter. In the government of the present lords, the murderer of an individual is imprisoned by the state. This.... But the murderer of many men of the neighbouring states is upheld as righteous. How is this different from confusing the distinction between black and white and sweet and bitter?

8 故子墨子置天之,以為儀法。非獨子墨子以天之志為法也,於先王之書大夏之道之然:「帝謂文王,予懷而明德,毋大聲以色,毋長夏以革,不識不知,順帝之則。」此誥文王之以天志為法也,而順帝之則也。且今天下之士君子,中實將欲為仁義,求為上士,上欲中聖王之道,下欲中國家百姓之利者,當天之志,而不可不察也。天之志者,義之經也。

Therefore Mozi established the will of Heaven to be the standard. Not only Mozi established the will of Heaven to be the standard, it is also the theme of an ode in the "Da Ya" among the books of the ancient kings: "God said to King Wen, 'I cherish your intelligent virtue. It was not proclaimed with much noise or gesture. It was not modified after the possession of the empire. Instinctively and naturally submissive to the scheme of God.'" This is to proclaim that King Wen used the will of Heaven as standard and was submissive to God's scheme. If the gentlemen of the world really desire to practise magnanimity and righteousness and be superior men, seeking to attain the way of the sage-kings on the one hand and to procure blessings to the people on the other, they must not neglect to understand the will of Heaven. The will of Heaven is truly the standard of righteousness.