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Annotation Guide:

Chinese Classics I: Philosophy
墨子 \ Mozi (Mo-tzu) \ The Works of Mozi

ISBN Number: 978-1-57085-267-1

Charlottesville, Virginia, USA: InteLex Corporation, 2018


Table of Contents†1

墨子 \ Mozi (Mo-tzu) \ The Works of Mozi

 卷一 \ Book 1
  1. 親士 \ Befriending the Learned Related discussion
  2. 修身 \ Self\cultivation
  3. 所染 \ On Dyeing
  4. 法儀 \ On the necessity of standards
  5. 七患 \ The seven causes of anxiety Related discussion
  6. 辭過 \ Indulgence in Excess
  7. 三辯 \ Threefold Argument

 卷二 \ Book 2
  8. 尚賢上 \ Exaltation of the Virtuous I
  9. 尚賢中 \ Exaltation of the Virtuous II
  10. 尚賢下 \ Exaltation of the Virtuous III

 卷三 \ Book 3
  11. 尚同上 \ Identification with the Superior I
  12. 尚同中 \ Identification with the Superior II
  13. 尚同下 \ Identification with the Superior III

 卷四 \ Book 4
  14. 兼愛上 \ Universal Love I
  15. 兼愛中 \ Universal Love II
  16. 兼愛下 \ Universal Love III

 卷五 \ Book 5
  17. 非攻上 \ Condemnation of Offensive War I
  18. 非攻中 \ Condemnation of Offensive War II
  19. 非攻下 \ Condemnation of Offensive War III

 卷六 \ Book 6
  20. 節用上 \ Economy of Expenditures I
  21. 節用中 \ Economy of Expenditures II
  22. 節用下 \ Economy of Expenditures III
  23. 節葬上 \ Simplicity in Funerals I
  24. 節葬中 \ Simplicity in Funerals II
  25. 節葬下 \ Simplicity in Funerals III

 卷七 \ Book 7
  26. 天志上 \ Will of Heaven I
  27. 天志中 \ Will of Heaven II
  28. 天志下 \ Will of Heaven III

 卷八 \ Book 8
  29. 明鬼上 \ On Ghosts I
  30. 明鬼中 \ On Ghosts II
  31. 明鬼下 \ On Ghosts III
  32. 非樂上 \ Condemnation of Music I

 卷九 \ Book 9
  33. 非樂中 \ Condemnation of Music II
  34. 非樂下 \ Condemnation of Music III
  35. 非命上 \ Anti\Fatalism I
  36. 非命中 \ Anti\Fatalism II
  37. 非命下 \ Anti\Fatalism III
  38. 非儒上 \ Anti\Confucianism I
  39. 非儒下 \ Anti\Confucianism II

 卷十 \ Book 10 [Warring States (475 BC \ 221 BC)]
  40. 經上 \ Canon I
  41. 經下 \ Canon II
  42. 經說上 \ Exposition of Canon I
  43. 經說下 \ Exposition of Canon II

 卷十一 \ Book 11
  44. 大取 \ Major Illustrations [Warring States (475 BC \ 221 BC)]
  45. 小取 \ Minor Illustrations [Warring States (475 BC \ 221 BC)]
  46. 耕柱 \ Geng Zhu

 卷十二 \ Book 12
  47. 貴義 \ Esteem for Righteousness
  48. 公孟 \ Gong Meng

 卷十三 \ Book 13
  49. 魯問 \ Lu's Question
  50. 公輸 \ Gong Shu

 卷十四 \ Book 14
  52. 備城門 \ Fortification of the City Gate
  53. 備高臨 \ Defense against Attack from an Elevation
  56. 備梯 \ Defense against Attack with Ladders
  58. 備水 \ Preparation against Inundation
  61. 備突 \ Preparation against a Sally
  62. 備穴 \ Preparation against Tunnelling
  63. 備蛾傅 \ Defence against Ant\Rush

 卷十五 \ Book 15
  68. 迎敵祠 \ The Sacrifice against the Coming of the Enemy
  69. 旗幟 \ Flags and Pennants
  70. 號令 \ Commands and Orders
  71. 雜守 \ Miscellaneous Measures in Defence