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Volume I.
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book XX.: of laws in relation to commerce, considered in its nature and distinctions.
book XXI.: of laws relative to commerce, considered in the revolutions it has met with in the world.
book XXII.: of laws in relation to the use of money.
book XXIII.: of laws in the relation they bear to the number of inhabitants.
book XXIV.: of laws as relative to religion, considered in itself, and in its doctrines.
book XXV.: of laws as relative to the establishment of religion and its external polity.
book XXVI.: of laws, as relative to the order of things on which they determine.
book XXVII.: of the origin and revolutions of the roman laws on successions.
book XXVIII.: of the origin and revolutions of the civil laws among the french.
book XXIX.: of the manner of composing laws.
book XXX.: theory of the feudal laws among the franks, in the relation they bear to the establishment of the monarchy.
book XXXI.: theory of the feudal laws among the franks, in the relation they bear to the revolutions of their monarchy.
chap. I.: changes in the offices and in the fiefs. of the mayors of the palace.
chap. II.: how the civil government was reformed.
chap. III.: authority of the mayors of the palace.
chap. IV.: of the genius of the nation in regard to the mayors.
chap. V.: in what manner the mayors obtained the command of the armies.
chap. VI.: second epocha of the humiliation of our kings of the first race.
chap. VII.: of the great offices and fiefs under the mayors of the palace.
chap. VIII.: in what manner the allodial estates were changed into fiefs.
chap. IX.: how the church-lands were converted into fiefs.
chap. X.: riches of the clergy.
chap. XI.: state of europe at the time of charles martel.
chap. XII.: establishment of the tithes.
chap. XIII.: of the election of bishops and abbots.
chap. XIV.: of the fiefs of charles martel.
chap. XV.: the same subject continued.
chap. XVI.: confusion of the royalty and mayoralty. the second race.
chap. XVII.: a particular circumstance in the election of the kings of the second race.
chap. XVIII.: charlemaign.
chap. XIX.: the same subject continued.
chap. XX.: lewis the debonnaire.
chap. XXI.: the same subject continued.
chap. XXII.: the same subject continued.
chap. XXIII.: the same subject continued.
chap. XXIV.: that the freemen were rendered capable of holding fiefs.
chap. XXV.: the principal cause of the humiliation of the second race. changes in the allodia.
chap. XXVI.: changes in the fiefs.
chap. XXVII.: another change which happened in the fiefs.
chap. XXVIII.: changes which happened in the great offices, and in the fiefs.
chap. XXIX.: of the nature of the fiefs after the reign of charles the bald.
chap. XXX.: the same subject continued.
chap. XXXI.: in what manner the empire was transferred from the family of charlemaign.
chap. XXXII.: in what manner the crown of france was transferred to the house of hugh capet.
chap. XXXIII.: some consequences of the perpetuity of fiefs.
chap. XXXIV.: the same subject continued.
Volume III.
Volume IV.
past masters commons
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The Complete Works of Montesquieu. Electronic Edition.
Volume II.
The Complete Works of Montesquieu. Electronic Edition.
Volume II.
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