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familiar letters. by president de montesquieu.
letter I. to father cerati of the congregation of the orators of saint philip at rome.
letter II. to the same.
letter III. to monsieur l’abbé venuti , at clerac.
letter IV. to the abbé nicolini , at florence.
letter V. to mr. cerati, at pisa.
letter VI. to abbé venuti at clerac.
letter VII. to abbé de guasco, at turin.
letter VIII. to the count of guasco, colonel of foot.
letter IX. to the abbé de guasco.
letter X. to the same.
letter XI. to the same.
letter XII. to the countess de pontac.
letter XIII. to mr. cerati.
letter XIV. to abbé de guasco at clerac.
letter XV. to the same.
letter XVI. to the same.
letter XVII. to the same.
letter XVIII. to the same.
letter XIX. to the same abbé de guasco.
letter XX. to the same.
letter XXI. to mr. cerati.
letter XXII. to abbé de guasco, at aix.
letter XXIII.
letter XXIV. to the same.
letter XXV. to the same.
letter XXVI. to the same.
letter XXVII. to mr. cerati.
letter XXVIII. to prince charles edward.
letter XXIX. to the grand prior solar, ambassador from malta, at rome.
letter XXX. to the abbé and count de guasco, at paris.
a billet to the same.
letter XXXI. to mr. cerati.
letter XXXII. to abbé venuti.
letter XXXIII. to the abbé count de guasco.
letter XXXIV. to the abbé venuti, at bourdeaux.
letter XXXV. to mr. cerati.
letter XXXVI. to abbé venuti.
letter XXXVII. to abbé venuti.
letter XXXVIII to the abbé count de guasco.
letter XXXIX. to abbé de guasco.
letter XL. to the same.
letter XLI. to the same.
letter XLII. to the same, at bourdeaux.
letter XLIII. to the same.
letter XLIV. to the same abbé de guasco.
letter XLV. to the same at vienna.
letter XLVI. to the same abbé de guasco at vienna.
letter XLVII. to the same, at verona.
letter XLVIII. to the same.
letter XLIX. to the same, at naples.
letter L. to the same.
letter LI. to mr. cerati.
letter LII. to the abbé marquis nicolini.
letter LIII. to abbé count de guasco.
letter LIV. to the same.
letter LV. to the auditor bertolini, at florence.
letter LVI. to abbé count de guasco.
letter LVII. a billet to the same.
letter LVIII. to the grand prior solar, at turin.
letter LIX. the fragment of a letter from m. de montesquieu, to the king of poland, duke of lorraine, to solicit his majesty for a place in the academy of nantz.
letter LX. fragment of the king of poland’s answer, to the foregoing letter.
letter LXI. to m. de solignac, secretary to the literary society at nantz.
letter LXII. from m. de montesquieu. to the author of a short view of the philosophical works of lord bolingbroke.
letter LXIII. to the dutchess of aiguillon.
letter LXIV. from the dutchess of aiguillon, to abbé de guasco.
letter LXV. an article taken from a letter of baron secondat de montesquieu, to the abbé count de guasco.
letter LXVI. article of a letter to the same.
miscellaneous pieces of m. de secondat, baron de montesquieu.
an oration pronounced the 24th of january, 1728. by president montesquieu: when he was received into the french academy, in the room of the late m. de sacy.
an essay upon taste, in subjects of nature, and of art.
a fragment.
of the pleasures of the soul.
of the mental faculties .
of curiosity.
of the pleasures of order.
of the pleasures of variety.
of the pleasures of symmetry.
of contrasts.
of the pleasures of surprize.
of different causes that produce sensation.
of sensibility.
of delicacy.
of the je ne scais quoi.
the progression of surprize.
of beauties which result from an embarrassment of the soul.
the temple of gnidus.
the preface.
canto I.
canto II.
canto III.
canto IV.
canto V.
canto VI.
canto VII.
cupid distressed.
the analysis of the spirit of laws. by m. d’alembert.
a defence of the spirit of laws. to which are added, some explanations.
part I.
objection I.
the answer.
objection II.
the answer.
objection III.
the answer.
objection I.
the answer.
objection II.
objection III.
objection IV.
objection V.
objection VI.
objection VII.
objection VIII.
objection IX.
objection X.
part II.
the general idea.
of the counsels of religion.
of polygamy.
on climate.
of toleration.
of celibacy.
a particular error committed by the critic.
of marriage.
of usury.
“of maritime usury.
part III.
some explanations of the spirit of laws.
past masters commons
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