Page 84 Compare with this passage Henri Estienne’s Precellence du Langage Francois and his Conformite du Langage Francois avec le Grec, of which two works M. Leon Feugere has published an edition, with notes.

Leo the Jew, Ficinus, Cardinal Bembo, and Mario Equicola all wrote Treatises on Love.

Page 197 So Hobbes said that if he had read as much as the academical pedants he should have known as little.


Ennius-52. Propertius-64. Quintilian-81. St. Augustine-69. Tacitus-226. Cicero-115-144-146-150-190-196-219-227. Catullus-35-47-62-63-75-100-103-111-116-132. Horace-46-56-91-111-112-119-126-127-129-130-154-184-213. Lucretius-28-75-80-156. Aeneid-28-29-64-80-112-212. Mithridates-20-62-63-69. Seneca-22-81-107-120-135-196-197-226. Juvenal-29-39-42-72-122-207. Virgil-11-31-47-52-62-95-132-213. Martial-11-13-44-69-102-128-153-210. Livy-104-137. Ovid-12-17-41-61-62-78-97-104-113-224. Terence-78-94-119-203.