Page 26 Gaspard de Coligny, who fell in the St. Bartholomew massacre 24th August, 1572.

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Page 80 A term used by the Languedoc waggoners to hasten their horses.

Page 98 A sound opinion and piece of advice, which are not even yet generally appreciated. Certain callings are more prone to this disease from the want of opportunities for relieving nature.

Page 114 Marguerite de Grammont, widow of Jean de Durfort, Seigneur de Duras, who was killed near Leghorn, leaving no posterity. Montaigne seems to have been on terms of considerable intimacy with her, and to have tendered her some very wholesome and frank advice in regard to her relations with Henry IV.

Page 138 Between the King of Navarre, afterwards Henry IV., and the Duc de Guise.

Page 142 An able negotiator, who, though protected by the Guises, and strongly supporting them, was yet very far from persecuting the Reformists. He died 1577.

Page 150 An Indian sage who lived in the time of Alexander the Great.

Page 154 A picked body of troops in the Macedonian army, carrying silver-plated shields.

Page 235 The corresponding passage in Florio’s version is:—“If your affection in love be over-powerful, disperse or dissipate the same, say they; and they say true, for I have often with profit made trial of it; break it by virtue of several desires, of which one may be regent or chief Master, if you please; but for fear it should misuse and tyrannise you, weaken it with dividing, and protract it with diverting the same.”

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Manlius-47. Persius-236. Propertius-46-167-245. Quintilian-192. Tacitus-30-214. Cicero-65-66-129-140-149-163-166-175-200-212-229-234. Horace-19-47-133-176-205. Lucretius-47-123-137-236-239-240. Aeneid-17-53-54-67-83-123-233. Mithridates-127-149-Seneca-61-123-150-174-199-222. Lucan-14-18-51-124-126-166-181. Juvenal-81-207-224. Virgil-33-125. Martial-36-63-103. Livy-141-165-213-229. Terence-135.