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Annotation Guide:

The Complete Works of Michel de Montaigne
Life and Letters of Montaigne with Notes and Index, vol. 10
To Monseigneur, Monseigneur de Nantouillet, Councillor to the King.

Michel de Montaigne de Montaigne, Michel 1582 Monseigneur de Nantouillet de Nantouillet, Monseigneur XI

To Monseigneur, Monseigneur de Nantouillet, Councillor to the King.

Monseigneur,—You desire to know from me how the King should hold the three reins by which absolute power is regulated. This is my view. And in the first place, touching the three reins, of which I have already spoken to you in my preceding missive, whereby the absolute power of the prince and monarch, which is called tyrannical when it

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is used contrary to reason, is curbed and reduced to moderation, and so is reputed just, tolerable, and aristocratic. I say once again that the King can do nothing more agreeable, more pleasant, and more profitable to his subjects, nor more honorable and more praiseworthy to himself, than to observe the three things by virtue of which he acquires the name of good and most Christian King, father of the people, and well-beloved, and all other titles which a brave and glorious prince can obtain. This is my mind and advice. Therefore, I pray God, Monseigneur, to give you in good health good and long life, The 22nd of November 1582. Your servant,